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he word of the Lord that came to me, Kosi, servant of the Living God, anointed watchman and intercessor over the Lord’s people on the Earth, the world of man, in the 7th month of the year 2024, (according to the Gregorian calendar, which is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in 1582). The spirit of the Lord led me while I was rounding off my PhD research work in Chennai, India, to pen down the events (spiritual and physical) that were happening in the wicked ages that we lived in.

Humanity is in a chaotic state. Men go about daily in search of more money, and more of it. The capitalist spirit of the last days which was spoken of by the great Lord Jesus the Christ, and the apostles of old, has many (believers and non-believers) bewitched as they chase after mortal posessions, day in, day out. Every passing day it becomes more and more difficult to make ends meet. The system of the world keeps men focused on paying bills that men do not mind how or where they get riches, as long as they get it, Only then society recognizes them as having “arrived” and purports honor to them. The love of mankind for life have truly waxed cold. Their hearts are darkened. Men are lovers of themselves more than lovers of God. Love and respect is no longer fashionable. Younger men speak to the elderly without fear of age or honor. Propaganda theories fly around every nook and  corner of the earth’s provinces. Confusion is the order of the day. No one knows for sure where the road leads. Prophets and spiritualists claim to know but no one is certain they do. They only get richer “helping” others find “the way”. The masses are cowed into every whim and caprices of faith they sell.


Political leaders are confused as well.

Failing economies, Finger-pointing, back-biting, accusations and counter-accusations is the order of the day. All countries and peoples under the physical heaven are in dire economic straits. The elite few rule over the common masses who know little and stand no chance. Wages are thinning away everyday. Protests erupt everywhere, for better work conditions and work pay. Massive emigration happen daily from ‘less prosperous’ to ‘more prosperous’ human settlements. Widespread ‘wokeness’ is happening. Everyone suddenly has something to teach. People are more confused than they have ever been since the beginning of human civilizations. Men are turning themselves into women. Women into men. Unnatural desires are enthroned as normal and forced upon others, willing or unwilling.  Industrialization and mechanization of warfare is at the zenith. Nations try to match up threats from neighbouring nations. Human population is spreading. Poverty and religion are tools for controlling the masses. Everywhere there is human incursion on nature. Man seems to be looking for an escape. Many take their own lives on daily basis.

Families are torn apart due to inevitable departures in search of “greener pastures”. Men have been told that; where their gold (money) stops, there their lives end. Capitalism is at its highest sway. Formerly communist and socialist nations are forced to adopt capitalism or are cut off from mainstream global economics. Survival of the richest is the order of the day. People take others’ posessions by hook or crook to make up theirs. But it never satisfies them. Sacrificing love for material gain. The perilious times, the masters of old spoke of are truly with us. Religious seekers condemn each other in public media, each claiming superiority of their own revelations of ‘God’. Being politically and religiously correct is more important than the truth. Pervesion walks the streets in broad day light. Parents rise up against their children, Children against parents, brother against brother, sister against sister. Increase in Knowledge of science and art gives men false hopes in their abilities. Agnostic and atheist waves sweep across advanced nations. Those who wield the wizardry control those who do not. Technology sepearates mankind more than it unites. Selfishness is expected more than love. The purpose of this volume is to document these events of the last days, as prophesied by the prophets of old. We are in a fierce and raging battle between the Lord’s plan and the Earthly system, but many do not realize it. This volume attempts to take and store a snapshot of the advances by both sides in the war on different fronts. As the holy scriptures wrote, the battle is so fierce, that if care is not taken, even the very elect shall be deceived. There is need for massive awakening of the people before it is too late.

Every war becomes a subject of history when it is over. The records of the war are invaluable resources for the next generation or civilization. As the many books of the holy scriptures we read today contain stories of events of old, which serve for teaching and admonishing this current generation of human kind, the intent of this book is to provide such records for the benefit of the current and the future dispensation of the descendants of mankind on earth. It may be for this singular reason that the author was incarnated in this age. For all we are and do are as the lord predestines. Therefore I set my heart to put down the revelations that the Lord gave to his servant in the last days. According to all that I saw and all that the Lord permitted me to write, for the admornishment of the saints, now and to come.

Let all who find this book, read it with the understanding of the holyspirit and know for sure that the Lord is great and that man is nothing but pencil in the Lords’s hands. All things in the heaven, in the Earth and under the Earth exist only to serve “the Lord’s will”. May the eyes of your understanduing be enlightened of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of your calling, and see and enter the exceeding  riches of the glory of your inheritance in the Lord. May your life carry the exceeding greatness of the Lord’s power which raised  Christ from the dead and set Christ at the Lord’s right hand in the heavenly, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. Therefore, brethren, let us strive daily to learn what is that good and perfect will of the creator and work in harmony with that supreme purpose, for as many as shall be found fruitful shall receive the crown of elevation to higher glory in Christ Jesus. But, the rest shall be cut off and burnt in the fire, for their works have not brought honor to the creator. May the Lord give the reader understanding and may the accounts herein build up and not tear down. May all who genuinely seek to serve, read with awe, and may our Lord’s army continue to wax stronger until all men come to the fullness of the realization of the glory of our father who is perfection. Amen! Read More


 The concept of high-rise buildings continues to provide a meaningful solution for land conservation in cities. Highrise buildings stand out for many good reasons. A challenge with them however, is that they demand huge amounts of energy to build and operate compared to low and medium-rise buildings. Studies show that this is largely due to the heating and/or cooling load required to sustain human activities at such great altitudes, amongst other factors. The concept of bioclimatic skyscrapers popularized by Ken Yeang is undoubtedly a good approach to tackling this challenge as it helps to save conventional energy, protect the environment and improve indoor thermal comfort. Some questions however still remain unresolved like; “What are the optimal design conditions for achieving bio-climatism in tall buildings? Should height be arbitrary? Does it bear significant influence on thermal comfort and energy use? If so, What is the nature of this influence? and How can developers use this knowledge to their advantage when planning highrise buildings?

Recent studies reveal that building energy use increases as height increases but very little is yet known about the empirical nature of this increase. This paper reviews existing literature related to the relationship between height, occupants’ thermal comfort and building energy use in tropical high-rise dwellings. The authors examine research gaps related to bioclimatic skyscrapers with specific attention to the influence of height as a major design parameter. It concludes that there is a need for further scientific investigations in the light of existing research gaps.

On Love, Marriage and Polygamy


As with every other aspect of life, issues concerning love and marriage are largely based on personal convictions. Whether you believe there is one person alive who is your forever person or you believe in spreading the love, the fact remains that as human beings we are designed as creatures of association. We associate with other members of the society, church, school or family in order to get care, mentorship, approval for our actions etc.

Marriage can be viewed as one of such associations specifically designed to kickstart the family which is the smallest single unit of society. Marriage in many regions symbolizes the agreement between two persons who have resolved to merge their interests in such a way that makes it easier for each of them to achieve their life goals. This agreement extends to other members of the both families and is usually consummated to produce offspring in an organized manner.

In some traditions, it is common to find men with multiple wives or life partners. This is sometimes as a result of prevailing circumstances such as farming or warfare that may necessitate the need to have many children. Some religions have strict instructions regarding marriage. Most of them condemn polygamy and encourage monogamy. Some believe that a marriage continues even after physical death on earth. One could write long epistles about marriage, but I believe there are other volumes that have treated the subject very extensively. 

The purpose of this diary entry is to address my opinion on having multiple life partners. I think it is impossible and a wearying of self and spirit for anyone to try to complicate his life any further than life already is by choosing to build more than one family in a lifetime. I will explain why I think so in the summary below.

1. Do one thing, do it well, expect no mercy
2. Economic weariness
3. Emotional stress
4. Psychological mix-ups
5. Lack of total commitment on neither sides
6.  Human health limitations
7. Sexual stress
8. Chances of unwanted infiltration
9. No assurance of health status of multiple partners
10. Poor attention to all the kids from numerous wives
11. Possibility of religious dichotomy
12. Multiple distractions 
13. May breed jealousy and envy amongst co-wives and siblings
14. Favoritism will naturally creep in.

I will expand each of the points mentioned here in a future post, but suffice it to say here that none of the points mentioned above are necessarily religious based  or influenced. These to me, are simply logical reasons why I would not be opting for a polygamous marital arrangement. There are several religious backed points that could be added here, but at the end of the day, I think polygamy may also have its benefits and should a situation arise where one finds himself arm-twisted, it is not a completely terrible thing to enjoy the beauties of family living with multiple women in one life-time.

Let me know what you think about this topic and be sure to keep it civil and logical.


Planning a city must be an interesting exercise. I'm not sure why, but recently, my interests were drawn to a simple personal brain teaser excercise where I tried to play the role of a city planner. I must have been fascinated by how God was able to write a universal program running the metaverse.

 I said to myself, "What if I am called upon to plan a new city?" 

How would it have felt for God, planning out and actually writing the programs that make seasons, births, deaths etc. happen? Excited by the potential of what beautiful city I could develop, I resorted to try out the game. 

Yes, I know, people get trained and get licensed to do this, but as an Architect, I just felt like trying. It felt interesting thinking out and providing for all the necessities for a pleasant life in my small city. The time I spent considering what else should be on the list, was refreshing to my philosophy-thirsty soul. 

For formality and memorability, I named my pet city; Peaceland. I itemized all the realities of life that needed to be provided for and then the physical provisions needed to satisfy them, in a tabular format. I'm adding to the list as the game unfolds. So far I have made a list of realities that need to be provided for in the order as it came to me while developing the model; below:

The task is to plan a modern city with provisions that cater to the identified necessities of life, work, religion, health, fitness, education and other important aspects of settlement. Now lets see what we can come up with, hopefully you can suggest a plan that works or just hang on till I find time to finish the game and show you a proposal for your review.



Living everyday like it's our last has by far been the best way to remind ourselves that we do not know where we came from and we have no idea where we are headed when we leave here!

Only a fool will proceed with the pursuits of life without thinking about where it all came from and why we are here in the first place. Many theories are sold to us, from different quarters, Everyone gives a different explanation of the origin, largely or sparingly different, everyone has claimed that their message is the "truth" and the "absolute" one. 

Wouldn't we be set free indeed from this confusion if we came to learn the truth?

All the time we have lived many-a-men, many-a-lifetimes, many-a-generations, many-a-civilizations, many-a-wars, we still come and go and the Earth keeps spinning. 

And Oh! Did they say this is just one of nine? Did they say our universe was only one out of many, discovered and yet to be?

So what is going on? Really what are we doing here? There is too much detail in everything, a thinking soul couldn't help but ponder how all existence in its entirety became.

Oh how weak we are, how short a time we have! how limited a memory we can bear! Who remembers what happened a generation ago? Who records what transpires here or there on a daily basis? Not the news that is curated, but the mouse that died today or the bird that brought forth child. Is it unnecessary to record? If it is, then why is it happening? If we won't be here forever then what are we doing here and where will we go?

We do realize that we played absolutely no part in choosing whether to come here or not, unless of course our former actions in a former life or existence warrants us to be here, calling into remembrance the theory of action and reaction. 

Shall we stop to ponder on what to do? Who shall we ask or who shall we go to for the "answers"? Are we helplessly living or dying or just existing? We want this, but when we get it we want another thing. We think once we have this then we will find the solution, but alas, when we find it our unending desire swallows it whole and wants more. Helplessly we set out to pursue a new thing and the cysle continues until "our time is up" and we are no more.

It's so vast to even contemplate!  But wait!..are we the only ones thinking? Are our co-habitants, the animals thinking too? DOes the fish in the river want to know what happened to her great grand mother or from where it came or to where it is headed too?

Oh don't they? Don't they need to know? If they don't, why do we need to know? Ahhh, it becomes necessary that there is someone or something or circumstance deciding and moving existence. What did he want? Is he here with us? Where is he? Did he embark on a really long trip or is he done with this very project and is on to another?

The elements; fire, water, land, air, matter all...