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Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts


The battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness is stiffer in our time more than ever before.

It is so stiff that the agents of the kingdom of darkness have their very existence dependent on it. They cannot rest neither can they eat, nor sleep until their mission is accomplished. They are on a ticking deadline. They have been mandated to kill, to destroy and to divert the destiny of the righteous unsuspecting ignorant careless children of God who do not know the power they carry . They have been anointed with different satanic gifts to lie, seduce, deceive, dissuade, discourage, lure, constrain, attack, disarm and  ridicule those who call themselves the children of God.
The agents of darkness have engaged the use of


In Africa, the way business is conducted is quite rigorous because one is literally up against a lot. Talk about high illiteracy rates, poor infrastructure like power supply, access roads, multiple taxation, etc -  the list continues.

The mere decision to embark on a journey of entrepreneurship frightens most Africans to their bones. Parents are more often than not alarmed at a decision by their ward(s) to tow this unfamiliar and unpredictable path. It is usually a sore topic to discuss in family meetings and is a phenomenon usually associated with people who are not able to secure white collar jobs.

But where are the jobs??
Are there enough jobs in the world to go round everyone??