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LTB. Architect - The Book

by Arc. Kosi Emmanuel Chukwujindu
New bestselling Architecture students choice, 'Learning To be An Architect' written by 'me' with immense contributions from renowned Priest and Architect educator; Most Rev Fr. Arc. Dr. P.C Agbonome.

The book highlights the deepest struggles of the typical Architecture student. As a globally sought moral guide, it takes an educationally enlightening approach towards the challenges that young Architects face while in college.

Because Architecture school is often believed to be tough, this book explains how the simple and yet very effective principle of 'cause and effect' can see you through the worst academic frustrations.

Breaking every challenge into tiny work elements that can be fixed by working smarter instead of harder. It is made to push open your in-built power to create your own success!


If you would like to receive a full color edition soft copy click here!

Copyright © Kosi Emmanuel Chukwujindu 2014
The right of Kosi Emmanuel Chukwujindu to be identified as Author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Nigerian copyright (amendment) Decree  1999.
First published January 2014
All Rights Reserved.
No Part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the Publisher.
All citations, references made in this book are indicated at the back of the text for further Readings.




Editor’s note                                                                                                                


                             SECTION 1: THE ARCHITECT

Way of Life                                                                                                                
The Profession                                                                                                            
Do you want to be an Architect?                                                                             
Options of a Basic Degree in Architecture
Understand Your Own choice                                                            

EXPERIENCE 1: A Point In The Right Direction                                                
§  Ask questions and get clear with the answers                                      
 EXPERIENCE 2: ‘Architectural Design’101                                                        
  • §  Always see the bigger picture; understand your design                       
  • §  Start early to finish early; time management                                                       
  • §  keep your social life afloat                                                                       
  • §  work in company of friends who motivate you                                   
  • §  learn by appreciating others                                                                     
  • §  Know when to get some extra hands                                                      
  • §  Be cautious while seeking help                                                                
  • §  Proper presentation does the magic                                                                        

EXPERIENCE 3: Carrying Out Case Studies.                                                      
  • §  What to do while on a case study                                                            
  • §  Reporting the study                                                                                     

EXPERIENCE 4: Model Making.
  • §  You can do it yourself, If you start early                                                

EXPERIENCE 5: Group Work.                                                                                
  • §  Discover the power of selective strengths                                               

EXPERIENCE 6: Dynamics Of CADD Use.                                                          
  • §  Invest personal resources to become proficient in CADD                  
  • §  Don’t forget the bottom-line; productivity                                           

EXPERIENCE 7: Internship.                                                                                  
  • §  Learn to the letter                                                                                      
  • §  Build long lasting relationships                                                               

EXPERIENCE 8: Co-Curricular Activities
  • Student Associations, Design Competitions, Excursions, Sports and Festivals, Seminars, Workshops and Webinars.                                                         

EXPERIENCE 9: The Student Entrepreneur.                                                     
  • §  Proper skills + the right opportunities                                                     
  • §  Discretely avoid drama                                                                            

EXPERIENCE10:  The Final Year                                                                         
  • §  Managing difficult supervisors                                                               
  • §  Make Your Documentation Timeless                                                   

EXPERIENCE 11:  Graduation                                                                              
  • §  Grades are just figures                                                                              

EXPERIENCE 12: Real Life Education                                                               
  • §  Balance Financial Demands with Personal Convictions-the world of people Vs. Skills.                                                                             

GETTING IT STARTED                                                                                          
  • §  Free Lancing Vs. Traditional employment

final Remarks
About the Authors.



It is not always about who you are now; It is about who you can become. Being admitted to study Architecture or any related course, is truly an honorable thing; However, whether you are going to make the best out of it or not totally depends on you; and that is what this book clearly demonstrates.
In a unique auto-suggestive style, the content triggers your creativity. It is a book which you cannot do without as a student of Architecture. It remains relevant at all stages of study as it passionately understands the challenges you are facing, and guides you towards success.
It speaks in an ethereal language, which is not commonly heard in the classroom. Showing you how you can achieve more by yourself, while recognizing the place of traditional coursework. It is more of a Character guide; I would call it the moral angle of your study which anyone hardly tells you. It literally documents your every single day at college in a graphical discussion, which you can relate to personally and broadly too.
The Author, being a former student of mine, I can say, has  witnessed first-hand most of the experiences which has been documented here and it was sure worth the press. In my thirteen years as an Architectural Instructor, I haven’t seen a single illustration this thick, You may even find what happened in your own college right here!
It is simply a hilarious read!                                                
Prof. Thirumeni .M
Dean School Of Architecture and Interior Design
SRM University, Chennai, India.



To The Struggling Architecture Scholar
To All Those Seeking To Further The Learning And Practice Of Architecture


This is simply a great work. It offers very interesting reading not uncommon to literary giants. I recommend it not only to Architecture students but to the whole gamut of student body all over the world, especially those serious students who have a dream to fulfil. The tremendous intelligence portrayed in this book is an eloquent manifestation of one committed to achieving his destiny. I didn’t have easy time editing this work, having to contend with technical jargons and even new words..........a public administrator treading the terrain of Architecture!
 Kosi has written a hard professional piece with such a peculiar literary genre. The information and experiences are presented in a light-hearted humorous flare that not only captivates but also sustains the interest of the reader to want to know what happens next. His ability to articulate apparent trivial events with astounding lucidity, smacks of a budding institution.

C.E Chukwujindu (PhD)
Dept. Of Public Administration
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.

 Fascinating  work, so neatly done. Young, spritely, charming and intellectual Kosi’s  ability to challenge his peers stresses again the truth that aside from focus and hard work nothing in the present can be more important than the security of the future in the lives of our youths.
Is is God and the likes of Kosi that sustain our hope in the future of our people and country. The likes of him make the likes of us want to do more at rebuilding our collective sense of historic destiny meant to rekindle our traditional “can do” spirit. His ability to make so much out of so little marks him out as one for the future
Barr. Ken Emechebe.
Optimal Telecommunications ltd.

This book is divided into three main sections. The first section is an introduction to who the Architect is and an overview of how he thinks and works.
The second section covers the study duration and is the core of the book. It is organised into experiences and lessons.  Each experience would start with a pictorial depiction of the concept, and a short introduction to the issue. Following this would be a number of lessons for the student.
Inspiration bytes are placed at programmed intervals, to tickle the reader’s fantasy and force his imaginations open. Important subheadings are printed in blue color within the text or in italics where attention is required. Quotes, subheadings, and ‘words of wisdom’ are printed in orange color right below major headings with the authors mentioned. 

The third section addresses life immediately after graduation. It is treated with great ingenuity, by a co-author who possesses immense knowledge and experience in Architecture education and Practice. The concluding section reminds you of the place of God in your efforts, and leaves you, empowered for academic and professional proficiency. 
excerpts from the book about LEARNING TO BE AN ARCHITECT. 
 all rights reserved (c) 2012.


The title is available for further preview / purchase at:


Arc. Kosi Emmanuel Chukwujindu

Most Rev. Fr. Arc. P.C Agbonome Ph.D (Co-Author)

Present Head of Architecture Department
Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU)
Awka, Anambra State.

 He studied Architecture at the University of Nigeria Enugu where he did  his first, second degree and Doctorate. He also studied Philosophy and did a  degree in Religion. He holds a master's degree in theology from Duquesne  University, USA.

He was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in 1998. He has been a religious priest belonging to the 'Congregation Of the Holyghost'. Having served as a 'Superior' for the congregation for South Eastern Nigeria since 2004 and still currently the provincial Superior. His meticulous way of combining his priestly duties with his teaching profession has distinguished him as a gem.
in his own words: "I am into teaching because I love it and I am also involved in practice; I design and supervise churches, Homes and schools". (abridged).

no. of pages:                                       175
genre:                                                 educational/motivational


  • 175 pages of full color print text and graphic illustrations.
  • Introduction to Architectural Design 111 and 112.
  • How to go about Case Studies
  • Model making
  • Working in Groups
  • Dynamics of Computer Aided Design CADD
  • How to Secure a place for your Internship
  • How to Earn Money while in Architecture School.
  • After Graduation: Real life Education...and LOTS MORE!!!

Rev. Fr. Arc. P.C Agbonome PHD
Head department of Architecture,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.

Prof. M. Thirumeni
Dean school of Architecture and Interior Design,
SRM university, Chennai, India.

C.E Chukwujindu(Ph.D)
senior lecturer, Dept. of Public Adminstration,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.

Eng. Ken Emechebe
Kobitech Eng. ltd
Elder and father-in-the-lord



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